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Ergonomic chairs SALLY Twin – saddle

Ergonomiškos kėdės SALLI Twin - balno formos
  • Two-part seat
  • Inclination adjustment
  • Leather, artificial leather, ESD fabric/artificial leather, see colour chart
  • Hand controlled height adjustment with gas spring
  • Gas spring and base metallic or black, check the correct height
  • Weight 10.5 kg
  • Warranty 10 years
Kaina: € Be PVM Pasiteirauti

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Ergonomic chairs SALLY Twin – saddle Salli SIT HAPPY


Salli Twin is easy to use.

An excellent saddle chair for both genders, cool and healthy.


Ergonomiškos kėdės SALLI Twin - balno formosErgonomiškos kėdės SALLI Twin - balno formos



  • Two-part seat
  • Inclination adjustment
  • Leather, artificial leather, ESD fabric/artificial leather, see colour chart
  • Hand controlled height adjustment with gas spring
  • Gas spring and base metallic or black, check the correct height
  • Weight 10.5 kg
  • Warranty 10 years





Genital area


Saddle chairs Salli ClassicRoughly 50 % of the adult population in Europe suffers from some kind of physical sexual disorder at least periodically, and the numbers are rapidly rising. We sit on top of our private parts, and that is why it’s logical that sitting has a major impact on the circulation, nerve functions and metabolism of our genitalia.


Men have a tendency to sit with their pelvis tilted backwards. This is an unconscious way of relieving the pressure on the root of penis on the pubic bone, where the nerves and the vessels leading to the genitals are located. When using a two-part saddle chair the lower part of the penis (of which about 9 cm is on top of the pubic bone, below the pelvis, behind the testicles) is not subjected to the same kind of pressure as when using one-part saddle chairs. The harmful compression of the pudendal nerve and vessels can be eliminated almost fully. When the sitting pressure in on the sitting bones (Ischial Tuberosities) the important lymphatic circulation works better.


Men also keep their thighs spread in order to eliminate the feeling of pressure on their testicles; trousers and their middle seam tighten up when men are sitting. In addition, tight clothes keep the testicles too close to the warm body. Sperm production is very sensitive to the rising of the testicular temperature. The two-part saddle chair cools down the testicles to their optimum temperature of 33°C (approx. 91°F). In conventional sitting the temperature of the testicles can often rise to 37°C (approx. 99°F). This is one reason behind the reduced quality of sperm.


For male cyclist the violent pressure on the tissues next to the pubic bone has been proved to cause impotence and testicular cancer. The same phenomenon has also started to occur among men using one-part saddle chairs.


If you are interested in ergonomic chairs SALLY Twin – saddle, just contact our sales department by phone +370616753 72 or e-mail.info@ergosta.lt email and we will send you a special offer.

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